Management Café: December 2022

From this page you can listen to our Management Café December episodes - but we recommend you subscribe to the show on your favourite podcast app, or subscribe to the Management Café blog, where we post the show notes.

#36 Manager or PSYCHOLOGIST?

When do we stop being a manager and cross into therapy? Understanding and analysing human behaviour is an essential skill for managers. But most managers aren’t professionally trained psychologists. How should managers be emotionally supporting their direct reports and what lines should they not cross?

#37 The multiple aspects of meetings

It’s hard to imagine a manager without meetings. As leaders we don’t just participate, we also need to run great meetings. All sorts of interesting and unique things can happen when people come together for a group discussion. And yet many of us have a love/hate relationship with meetings.

#38 Tackling the asynchronous environment

What happens for managers when work moves away from real time meeting focussed and more towards asynchronous? Communication and team interaction can be as unique and nuanced as each individual human. So how do we navigate management when our team are spending large parts of their time working async?

By the way, we’re still looking for testers of our new audio-first course on asynchronous communication. You can register your interest here:

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